A Special Needs Housing Partner

We offer homes or rental assistance to Low-Income Families and Seniors

A Special Needs Housing Partner

We offer homes or rental assistance to Low-Income Families and Seniors

Subsidized Community Housing Has Not Delivered. And Government Sponsored Projects Gave Us Very Little... FamilyCare Housing Development offers a Better solution.

Across America, our beloved country, the term “affordable housing” conjures some unspeakable images of poor and nearly malnourished kids rummaging through broken neighborhoods with hardly any shoes on their feet.

Tell your friends you live in an affordable housing unit, and the first thing that comes to mind is a god-forsaken food desert where the only grocery place is a liquor store with unsold, weeks-old corn dogs, and half-melted ice cream.

And that mental imagery gets even more gleamy when any one of us suddenly comes to realize that due to lack of adequate housing and some bad luck, we could someday possibly live in those communities ourselves.

If affordable housing once meant living in a house or apartment where upkeep was manageable price-wise, now affordable housing is clearly unacceptable to many would-be occupiers, tenants, or homeowners.

When affordable housing is no longer acceptable and unaffordable to low-middle incomers, we as a nation are in a deep dodo.

Come to think of it, but for some unspoken and obvious reasons, most low-income Americans in poor communities do not want new, affordable housing in their neighborhoods, fearing disorderly new neighbors.

City Hall planning departments are very reluctant to approve so-called “housing projects” in their midst, especially if they see a few NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) protesters at permit hearings.

And banks do not make the situation of building affordable housing any easier unless they get massive taxpayers’ almost-free money.